Who Do You Call Upon For Spiritual Guidance?
When we feel the world's pressures building up like water, remember God’s love will always guide us home to ourselves. This traditional ocean deity helped our Haitian ancestors remember this whenever they felt lost at sea.

Hitting rock bottom can feel like drowning. In the past when Haitian sailors were hopelessly lost at sea they’d cry out to Agwe, the powerful Loa of the ocean.
Ruler of winds and currents, Agwe would rise from the ocean's depths to help guide Haitian sailors and fishermen safely home. But even if they weren’t at the sea’s mercy, there’s another reason Haitian spiritualists called upon Agwe.
Haitian spiritualists prayed to Agwe when they were in spiritual turmoil and needed guidance, making offerings of white beans, cake, sugar, and bananas.
Offerings were floated on the water's surface. When an offering sank, it meant that Agwe had accepted it.
The African diaspora spiritualities Ifa, Santeria, Candomble, and Vodou have multiple names for the deities of the sea. While Haitian Vodou celebrates Agwe, throughout the African diaspora this deity is more commonly referred to as Yemaya or Olokun.
Regardless of the name, preservation of an ocean deity is clear in all African diasporic spiritualities. This implies many of our displaced ancestors shared in the hope that even if their bodies couldn’t physically return to Africa, Ocean’s spirit would guide their spirits home.
To whom do you turn when you feel lost?
Remember love will always guide us home to ourselves.
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