What These 5 Love Languages Teach Us About God, Love and Liberation

Our purpose in this lifetime is to love: God, ourselves, our communities, and others. To be aligned with liberation, love can’t just be a word or a feeling. Love must be an action. We must learn how to love one another. Here’s a good place to start.

What These 5 Love Languages Teach Us About God, Love and Liberation
Via Wikimedia Commons

Words of Affirmation: Someone who values statements offering encouragement, gratitude, or acknowledgment. Affirmations can be verbal, written, or through prayer. 

Quality Time: Quality time is being intentional in how you’re spending time with someone. Example: a 30-minute walk together, phones off, engaging in conversation. 

Physical Touch: Physical touch can be romantic or platonic. Physical touch improves our overall well-being. Hug your loved ones more.

Gift Giving: While self-explanatory, this love language thrives when there’s a special meaning behind the gift.

Acts of Service: An act of service means going out of your way to do something that lightens someone’s load. Acts of service are never expected but always appreciated. 

Jesus was known for acts of service.He teaches us that action is an inherent part of love and of liberation.  

Each love language teaches us an important lesson about the act of loving. 

God is well-versed in each love language, and desires for us to be love embodied.

We all have the capacity to love because we’re made from God’s love. We’re all deserving of love, and our liberation depends on it.

These Spiritual Love Languages help us to take action with our love, which is essential to our liberation. How can we commit to keep showing up for our liberation in loving ways?

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