Three Helpful Books For Learning About Traditional Black Medicine

Our minds, bodies, and spirits have long carried the weight of anti-Blackness. But many of our ancestors leaned into the healing practices of herbal medicine during turbulent times.

Three Helpful Books For Learning About Traditional Black Medicine
Via Wikimedia Commons

When we use herbal medicine to care for ourselves or conjure up a new reality, that’s Hoodoo – an ancestral way of healing. These three Hoodoo books are perfect for beginners.

#1 365 Days of Hoodoo

Sort of like a Hoodoo bible, author Stephanie Rose Bird filled this book with Hoodoo basics so you can gradually build up your practice, day by day. Perfect for beginners, 365 Days of Hoodoo is full of information about prayers, potions, meditations, baths, and more.

#2: Jambalaya

Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals is considered a classic among spiritual educators. It’s part memoir, part mojo, and full of African American and diaspora practices.

Alice Walker said this of the book: “A book of startling remembrances, revelations, directives, and imperatives, filled with the mysticism, wisdom, and common sense of the African religion of the Mother.”

#3: Working The Roots

Tap into the traditional ways of Black medicine. For over 400 years, our people have been “Working The Roots” to heal, and it’s essential, with rampant medical racism, that we return to the ways of the ancestors who cared for themselves using herbalism to survive their darkest days.

We owe it to ourselves to get to ourselves, and learning more about Hoodoo is one way to approach re-learning. Hoodoo is a powerful tool that we need in our liberation arsenal.

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