Liberation Is The Only Future Spirit Wants For Us

We did not create the oppressive mess that is the current state of the world. It is not ours to clean up. We can put all expectations of ourselves that we did not consent to down, so we can build the Black liberated futures Spirit wants us to create.

Liberation Is The Only Future Spirit Wants For Us
Via Wikimedia Commons

“Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what I did not steal.” – Psalm 69:1-4.

Colonizers stole our ancestors and designed societies built on oppression, exploitation, and violence. Generations later, their descendants dare to ask us to clean up their messes. WE think not.  

Throughout the George Floyd protests many of us couldn’t process our grief. We were bombarded by white colleagues, acquaintances, and random people messaging us statements of white guilt. 

These interactions were spiritually draining because they asked us to discuss race and how to “solve racism” as if this was our problem to fix. 

Many white institutions quickly committed to DEI initiatives, but hit us with messaging about systems reform and hope, when we expressed desires centering decolonization and revolution.

Breathe In: We’re worthy of our care needs being met. 

Exhale: We’re allowed to put down any expectations of us that we did not consent to. 

Breathe In: We get to redefine what liberation is for us. 

Exhale: We refuse to reform our revolutionary dreams.

It’s not our responsibility to reform systems intent on failing us. Let’s reserve our revolutionary spiritual work for building Black liberated futures. 

Liberation is the only future Spirit wants for us. 

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