How Transformation and Reimagining Black Identity Can Unlock Spiritual Liberation
“In Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” - 2 Corinthians 5:17. To achieve liberation we must not be afraid of change. We must resist anti-Black limitations. God is limitless. Liberation will take radical TRANSformation. What must you transform to get free?

God’s love is limitless. As we reimagine what a liberated future could look like we must learn to question all systems that work to limit us.
Before anti-Blackness colonized and enslaved our people, our ancestors exercised radical freedom. They did this through adornment, speaking numerous dialects, being in community with nature, and even embracing freedom of sexuality and gender.
Our freedom of gender expression has been policed throughout history. To have to hide who we are directly conflicts with our holiness. Prior to colonization and enslavement,
many of our African ancestors presented themselves in ways we would now recognize as non-binary, trans or trans non-binary, and intersex. Some of them were even seen as powerful spiritual leaders.
Transness has been boxed in as only about gender, but really the “big picture” concept of trans is “transformation.”
At the spiritual level, transformation is required for survival, especially for us as Black people. We’ve always had to reimagine, transform, and transcend our understandings of Blackness as a means to reject anti-Black limitations meant to police us.
Regardless of your gender identity, liberation begins with transformation. What area of your life are you looking to transform?
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