How Black People Can Love Each Other For Real

1 John 4:20-21 is clear about love. “If someone claims, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother or sister, then he is a liar. He gave us a clear command, that all who love God must also love their brothers and sisters.” But how do we love people we think aren’t living right?

How Black People Can Love Each Other For Real
Via Unsplash

In 1 John Chapter 4, the faith community was being reminded to love one another truly and deeply – especially those who claimed to love God.

But we don’t always do it well! Here are some ways we struggle to love people we think aren’t living right – and what the Bible has to say about it.

Regardless of our backgrounds, lifestyles, sexual orientations, genders, races, or other ways we describe ourselves, the Bible is full of scripture that tells us to love EVERYONE with brotherly affection (Romans 12:10) and without grumbling (1 Peter 4:9).

But does it really mean EVERYONE?

Yes – including members of the LGBTQ community. Though many of us think homosexuality is wrong, the Bible doesn’t specifically argue same-sex relationships are a sin – most Biblical mentions of homosexuality in the original translations actually have unclear meanings.

Also, many are from the Old Testament. Do we all follow Old Testament law to the letter?

Love also means looking at our own actions. If we wrong someone, we should be willing to sincerely apologize. When we refuse to admit wrongdoing, we are not showing love to each other – or ourselves!

These are just a few things that get in the way of us showing love for each other. The good news is there are endless ways to show one another love. The more we love each other, the stronger our community becomes! What are some ways you show our people some love?

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