Your Given Name Is A Gift, But Your Chosen Name Is Sacred

Your name is how you introduce yourself to the world. It should be reflective of where you are within your spiritual journey. Your given name is a gift, but your chosen name is sacred. What does this mean?

Your Given Name Is A Gift, But Your Chosen Name Is Sacred
Via Wikimedia Commons

What’s in a name? Our name is where our power lies. It’s how we introduce ourselves to the world.

Being given a name is important, but choosing a name can be sacred.

Many of our enslaved ancestors chose new names for themselves upon obtaining their freedom, to celebrate and protect themselves.  

Post emancipation our names became symbols of resistance.

Receiving a new name takes time. Often ancestors or spirit guides will assist in the process by placing certain themes along your path until you begin recognizing patterns that lead you to your new name.

For example if you find yourself called to the sea, are having dreams about fish, and seeing the number 7 everywhere, it could be Yemayá letting you know she’s guiding you. “Maya” or “Yema” could be the new name you choose for yourself to honor her guidance.

Welcome your new name with a traditional naming ceremony. Be discerning about who gets to address you by your new name.

If you feel so called to do so, legally change your name.

Scared of the permanence of a new name? The beauty is you can always choose another name in the future that’s reflective of who you are then.

Your name reflects who you choose to be.

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