Why 2025 Isn’t Standard “New Year, New Me” Energy

Many of us are likely feeling an energetic pull on our spirits right now. A nudge from Spirit that it’s time to level up. But this isn’t standard “New year, new me” energy.” It’s because we’ve entered a “Universal 9 Year.”

Why 2025 Isn’t Standard “New Year, New Me” Energy
Via Wikimedia Commons

Happy new year, fam! It’s officially 2025, a Universal 9 Year. Each calendar year holds a numerical vibration that touches everyone.  This numerical energy informs how our year will go

“2025” can be read as 2+0+2+5= 9. So 2025’s numerical energy is 9. 

Numerically, 9 represents change and radical transformation. This is why Oya, Orisha of wind, transformative cycles, and death and rebirth, is associated with the number 9

A Universal 9 Year is not the time to rush, jump into a new relationship, or take shortcuts with a project. 

Now is the time to be working closely with Spirit to focus inward, honor your intuition, and pay attention to the spiritual downloads being sent your way. 

What cycles have you outgrown? With 2025 being a Universal 9 Year, this year Spirit will likely ask us to reflect on which cycles no longer serve us so we can welcome in new blessings and transformational energy.

Any act of revolution, big or small, depends on our willingness to transform and make changes that dismantle harmful systems rooted in anti-Blackness. 

When we surrender to the spirit of change, we’re telling Spirit we’re ready to transform ourselves. When we transform ourselves, we transform the world. 

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