What Jesus’ Resurrection Teaches Us About The Importance Of Our Collective Revival
“Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee.” – Matthew 28:7. Looking at his mother he asked her the question that tests all Black parents’ faith.

She felt the color leave her face, her son’s words hanging in the air. A minister, she’d taught him that Christ is Black. And yet here he was, asking, “Will Black lives ever really matter?”
Reverend Kelly Brown Douglas had received similar questions from her son throughout 2020, after George Floyd’s killing and amid a pandemic.
Looking at her son, for a moment Douglas wasn’t a minister, just a mom scared she didn’t have an answer. But then she heard God.
Douglas recalls, “I heard the scripture of the resurrected Jesus telling the disciples to meet him at Galilee; I literally remember hearing that in my head. And I went in search of Galilee.”
“Galilee is where Jesus went after being resurrected. Biblically we understand the resurrection as Jesus rising from the dead. But resurrection also means “revival.”
Merriam-Webster defines revival as “renewed attention to or interest in something.” Revival was Douglas’ saving grace.
Douglas found revival in protests, conversations, and in writing her book “Resurrection Hope.” Douglas’ story reminds us we’re all in a moment of revival.
When anti-Blackness works to make us doubt God’s love for us, we must lean into faith. Lean into hope. Lean into each other. Our leaning in is how we rise to meet God in Galilee.
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