These Healers Help Us Get To The Root Of Our Problems
The fire burned as she slowly chopped the roots she had gathered. This spell was going to use all of her energy but it was necessary. Evil was afoot and she needed to get to the root of it. Spirit told her that someone nearby was trying to sabotage her. She needed answers. Her life depended on it.

“Indeed the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; so every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” - Luke 3:9.
Each Spring we’re amazed by the freshly budding trees with glossy new leaves. But the health of a tree isn’t in its leaves, but in its roots.
Historically, Rootworkers got their name from the medicinal herbs they used within alchemy and divination practices. But it’s also a play on words as many sought out Rootworkers to help them “get to the root” of their problems.
Like Rootworkers, when we’re aligned with Spirit we’re able to drown out the noise around us and get to the metaphoric root of an issue.
Close your eyes and breathe. Now Imagine you’re a tree. Do your roots look healthy or sick?
What do your roots need to be nourished? Do you need to pour into yourself? Do you need to cut people or situations from your life?
Just like trees, we must be rooted within ourselves so we can align with spirit. Anyone causing you to doubt yourself is only working to uproot you from your purpose.
Listen to the divine voice that guides you. This is Spirit telling you how to get to the root of liberation.
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