Do You Want To Be Divine, Dear Beloved?

This powerful universal energy lives in all of us. The sooner we embrace it, the more aligned we will become with Spirit. Don’t you want to be Divine? Here’s a hint: you already are. God made you that way.

Do You Want To Be Divine, Dear Beloved?
Via Wikimedia Commons

The Divine Feminine is a soft, fierce universal energy. Bypassing the gender binary, the Divine Feminine dwells within all living things, including us.

Masculine energies aren’t exclusive to men and feminine energies are not exclusive to women. We all have the power to tap into both kinds of energy.

Masculine energy generally focuses on logic, rationality, measurements, and the external world. Feminine energy is more about emotions, signs, and symbols and listening to our sacred intuition.

When we acknowledge the Divine Feminine, we expand our conceptions of God. 

Understanding Spirit in its fullness, as feminine, masculine, and other universal energies that exist entirely outside of gender, invites us to know God truly: abundance. 

And what could be more liberating than that? 

Spiritual examples of the Divine Feminine include the Virgin Mary and Yemaya, both Divine mothers. In all of us, the energy of the Divine Feminine is the "paradigm of Universal Motherhood.” 

We’re most spiritually aligned when we can tap into our femininity, masculinity, and all the other universal energies within us. 

Liberation means embracing all of our energies and not using Western social constructs like gender to keep us from being who we are: divine. 

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